App of the week: Nike Training Club


The Nike Training Club app is a fitness app that allows users to select workouts that best suit them and it’s free.
The visual workouts come with step-by-step instructions and videos for every work out and movement.
From 60 minute cardio workouts to 10 minute ab workouts, Nike Training Club lets you work out at the gym or at home and keeps track of your progress.
Users can tailor their fitness goals to their height and weight. The app offers workouts focusing on getting lean, toned, strong, and focused on specific muscles.
It is like having your own personal trainer right on your phone.
The trainer encourages you throughout the entire workout.
Nike Training Club syncs with the Nike Fuel Band to keep track of your progress and allows users to create a four-week program to help accomplish their goal.
Whether you are looking for a quick 10 minute ab work out, or a butt buster toning work out, Nike Training Club has it all.