“See Mystery Lights” YACHT album review


See Mystery Lights, the 4th studio album for Jona Bechtolt’s brainchild is not only a step in a new direction for the band, but also a step in the right direction for the future success of this wonderful band. Comprised of Bechtolt and new full time addition Claire Evans, Yacht (or YΔCHT to be exact) strikes gold with their new album.  Songs like “The Afterlife” and “I’m In Love With a Ripper” represent the duo as their most poppy, with their bouncy, bubbling beats and chants and synth pops encompassing you, there is nothing to do but lose yourself in the charm and depth of the music.

For me, the real gold of See Mystery Lights lies in the album’s 5th track, “Psychic City”. From the blip and steady rhythm of the intro to the chanting “Ah ya ya ya” the song is smooth and enjoyable, like a fine cigar… or a baby’s bottom (trust me on that one). The album continues with tracks like “Summer Song” and “Don’t Fight the Darkness”. The first puts a smile on your face and immerses you into a summer time state of funkadelic groovyness, while the latter shows the greatest use of the cowbell since Will Ferrell in SNL.

See Mystery Lights is an album that fuses so many elements of music together that it’s hard to just sit back and listen to it without being in awe of everything that’s going on in every track. This is not an album to study or chill to; it requires too much effort on your behalf to do that. But do yourself a favor and skip the studying and listen to this instead (Thank me later).

Feast on these yummy tracks!

YACHT – Psychic City

YACHT – I’m In Love With A Ripper