All The Day Holiday: The Best Band You’ve Never Heard Of
All the Day Holiday could quite possibly be one of the best bands that you’ve never heard of. The group, whose music takes on a bit of an indie/alternative sound has built up steam over time and is on the verge of breaking through to a much wider audience. Whether it is because of the praise they’ve received or their unique blend of music, All the Day Holiday could very well become a mainstream name. The reason for this is actually very simple – they work to do things in a very different manner.
The music itself is best described as experimental mix of mainstream sounds like Muse, MUTEMATH and Death Cab for Cutie, with a more obscure taste of groups like Mew, Explosions in the Sky and the Appleseed Cast. This sound places them in between two sects of listeners, either pulling from both or alienating some. It’s a risky position but the band members do this based on their passion.
Simply put, it is passion that drives the band. At their recent set as part of the Hoodwink show at Bamboozle California, the band picked a cover set of Beach Boys songs, something that’s not easy to pull off. The overall result proved to be amazing, with the Ohio band pulling off a true California vibe, complete with lead vocalist Daniel Simmons vocal mirror of Brian Wilson. The overall Beach Boys cover set experience is something that Simmons says has greatly improved the band’s musicianship.
The band’s popularity has quickly grown in recent years. They’ve been signed to Linc Star Records, home of the Bamboozle name, they’ve been picked up by industry leader High Road Touring and, to top it all off, Metallica’s law firm hand picked the group, knowing about the success they’ll eventually receive.
As I spent the weekend with the band during the Bamboozle festival, I realized that just like their music the band members are unique. They’re in it for the music and they love what they do. Overall, All the Day Holiday is a great band with a lot of potential. They’re a name that you’ll most likely see more of in the future and one that deserves at least one listen.