Atticus Tour: Old Favorites and New Starters
Right before Thanksgiving break I was able to see the Atticus Tour at nearby SOMA. Although all bands there were great, two in particular grabbed a hold of my attention. When I found out that these bands were touring together I made the necessary connections to interview them before their set at the concert.

Let's Get It
My night began by spending some time with the opening act, a band I believe will soon be huge on the scene, Let’s Get It. Now some of you may be asking: “Let’s get what?” but allow me to explain. Let’s Get it is an up and coming band that is looking to create a new sound. This group’s influences range from synth-based pop to symphony driven, hard rock, but this range of sound is expected out of a band who says that their car ride to San Diego was filled with a mix of The Black Dahlia Murder and Eminem. The good news is that this combination works perfectly and each of their songs sound surprisingly unique. This band’s music will get you pumped and get you ready to party; it just carries an energy that makes you want to move. This energy carries with them when you see them perform and it makes for an all-out awesome show. If you’re tired of looking for a new band to listen, only to find the same sound over and over, you can finally stop search. Let’s Get It is a band that I would highly suggest you check out or catch on their next tour in early 2010.

As I’m walking to class in Zombie mode on a Monday morning, I scroll through my iPod looking for the band that will get me ready and make my walk from the Vistas a somewhat enjoyable experience. I realize that I often end up only to the B’s and choose the band Blessthefall . Ever since I got their new album Witness I can’t help but stop on their name every time I’m looking through my music.
After catching up with Let’s Get It, I was able to spend a few minutes with Blessthefall’s bassist Jared Warth to talk about what has changed with their band since the release of their first album His Last Walk and what created the greatness behind their new album Witness. Since their first album, they had undergone a lead singer change from Craig Mabbitt to new singer Beau Bokan. Jared explained to me that Beau brings a whole new, positive energy to the band that shows up on Witness. He also told me bands such as Killswitch Engage, Thrice, and Story of the Year inspired the style and sound of Witness, so if you like these guys you should check out the band’s most recent album. The combination of bands like these, mixed with Blessthefall’s original style creates an awesome listening experience. They are bringing it hot and heavy and have an intensity that few bands can match.
If you are looking to check Blessthefall out, Jared suggested to get a feel of their music by checking out these songs of their new album: “What’s Left of Me”, “Witness”, and, for a more pop sound, “Hey Baby, Here’s That Song You Wanted.” I would suggest those who like to listen to hardcore music to check these guys out and try to catch them when they are on tour again. Overall, I had a great night, catching up with a long time favorite, and learning more about one of the newest and most promising bands out there today.