Catching up on fall holiday break

Photo Courtesy of USD Communication Faculty The Communication Studies faculty gathered together on Friday for fall break in La Gran Terraza.
Many University of San Diego students have class on Fridays. It is an unfortunate truth, leading to the realization that you can’t undo or rearrange your schedule. However, every once in awhile, USD will give students a break, giving us a Friday or Monday off. This past week we had one of these breaks in the form of Fall Holiday.
Not only are students happy when given a day off, lengthening their weekend festivities, but also, teachers and staff welcome the break from classes. After talking with a number of professors about what they do with their long weekend, answers varied.
Some teachers continued to work on campus throughout the day, many from home in their pajamas, while some took the day for themselves, heading to the beach or cruising north to go camping for a long weekend of nature-esque activities.
We’ve rounded up some great weekend activities from USD faculty, just to let students know their professors have lives outside of the classroom too.
Philosophy professor, Mark Woods, PhD, is in the process of writing a book, so even in his free time he keeps busy.
“Although I don’t teach on Fridays, all of the work that goes into teaching is not limited to days I teach,” Dr. Mark said. “But I’m taking a fall holiday from teaching on Friday. I’m starting to write a new chapter of my book manuscript during the day, and spending a quiet Friday evening with my wife and dog.”
Even when teachers have Friday off, many stick around campus for department and staff meetings. Although they discuss school relevant topics, their meetings aren’t always formally structured. This past Friday, the Communication Studies faculty all came together for a meeting at La Gran Terraza, discussing issues relevant to USD while also leisurely hanging out and eating good food.
After the Communication Studies faculty meeting, Jillian Tullis, PhD, gave us the scoop on where she headed next.
“I had a lunch research meeting on campus Friday,” Tullis said. “Then I headed to a coffee shop where I worked on a manuscript review for a journal, then worked on the midterm exam for the health comm class.”
Erik Fritsvold, PhD, manages a hectic schedule during the semester, juggling roles as a Leadership academic coordinator, associate professor of Sociology, and chair of the department. He shared some photos of family and friends exploring and spending quality time with one another, while also keeping up to speed with work and meetings.
“Fall Holiday? Pretty standard fare,” Fritsvold said. “Back-to-back-to-back meetings on Friday. Saturday family day including dinner out and a play. Sunday curriculum development for my Master’s of Science in Law Enforcement & Public Safety Leadership program. and a little surfing of course.”
It is safe to say these professors stay very busy, especially with school, faulty gatherings, and activities associated with USD. However, they all make sure to find time for their families, pets, themselves, and everything else that makes them happy. USD staff and students seem to agree Fall Holiday should definitely stay on the USD calendar.