Conservative Supreme Court takes on gun rights

The fear of an ideologically conservative Supreme Court has made its way to the forefront as the Court takes on a case backed by the NRA. The case being heard, NY State Rifle &. Pistol Assoc. v. Corlett, challenges a New York state law, which was upheld by the lower courts, that requires gun owners to obtain a license if they want to carry a gun outside their home. The New York law requires those wanting to obtain a license to carry a good reason to — aside from self-defense.

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Henry David Thoreau on Social Media Trivialities Detracting from the Present Moment

I’ve spent the last year reading Henry David Thoreau as part of the Keck Undergraduate Humanities Research Fellows Program. What relevance, you may wonder, do the ideas of a man who lived 175 years ago have in the 21st century? Although he lived hundreds of years before Snapchat and the Apple Store, Thoreau’s writings from his time at Walden Pond have a lot to say about social media and modern lifestyles.

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Mourning controversial public figures

On April 9, Great Britain mourned the death of Prince Philip. Upon hearing the news, I texted my British grandmother that it was “a sad day for the UK.” The lives of the British royal family are well-known and publicized. Even people who take no interest in the family or outright dislike them are at least aware of the happenings in their lives. My grandmother responded that it was “a very sad day indeed.” But since then, I’ve wondered — why? Why does Britain give such respect and attention to an outdated and problematic institution?

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It’s not a competition; everyone is struggling

It’s no secret that this pandemic has been difficult for many people for several different reasons. For many college students, the pandemic ruined what was supposed to be a period of career exploration, lifelong friendships, and learning opportunities. However, it’s easy to feel guilty about feeling terrible especially when others around us seem to have it much worse.

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Gun violence in America

The past year has challenged the United States with a wide range of problems, one of the largest being gun violence. It is no secret that gun violence in America has taken an emotional toll on thousands and has taken the lives of far too many. Within just the first four months of 2021, there have already been 147 mass shootings. That’s more than one mass shooting per day. And 147 too many. It is time to put a stop to this unnecessary violence plaguing our nation.

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Conspiracy culture

In the past year, conspiracy theories have exploded in popularity. Although some are relatively harmless, many feed on hatred and even provoke violence. From the claim that COVID-19 is a hoax created by China to accusations that the 2020 presidential election was stolen by the Democrats, what were once fringe movements have become hard to ignore.

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