Dear Jilla,

Jillian Anthony / The USD Vista

I’m trying to choose a major and having a really hard time with it. What do you suggest?
-Major Mixup

Dear Major Mixup,
I have good news and bad news. The bad news, I can’t exactly describe to you each of the dozens of majors and minors we have here at USD or each of their potential bonuses or drawbacks. The good news, I can help you organize your thoughts and preferences to help you to make a satisfactory major choice!

First, what do you like to surround yourself with? People? Animals? Ancient literature? Potentially fatal chemicals? Religious artifacts? The destitute and decrepit? Myths and legends? Touchy subjects that tend to ruin dinner parties? Any of these perking up your ears?

Once you’ve got an idea of what makes you warm and fuzzy inside, look for a few categories of major that seem to match that interest.

Next, take a hard look at what type of college student you are. Be honest with yourself. Do you want your weeks spent in the library and lab, or on the beach with booze? If your answer if the latter, don’t even think about becoming any sort of science major. Those kids don’t see the sun. They only feel the sizzle of the acid on their shoes.

Just know the route that you’re choosing. With English or philosophy you will be reading a lot of old books by a lot of old men. Not your cup of tea? How about the more mathematical or quantitative route? Business, math and science will fill up all of your equation needs. Do you feel called to be an actively contributing member of society? Perhaps a political science, education, leadership or peace and justice major is for you.
Whatever route you choose, you will enjoy it. And if you don’t, you can switch it!

As for me, I chose communications, because I’m all about knowing stuff. And big words.

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