It’s Someone’s Birthday!!- Peter Bjorn and John Concert Review

Peter Bjorn and John Living Things

Peter Bjorn and John Living Things

Ever want to go to a celebrity’s birthday party?  Well tonight I had the awesome opportunity to go Peter Bjorn and John’s  birthday show at the House of Blues.  They are celebrating their 10th birthday as a group.  And wow, what a show it was.  First thing is first, though.  El Perro Del Mar, also hailing from Sweden, was one of the opening acts for the show.  I arrived at the show just in the nick of time to catch the last few songs of the set.  Sarah Assbring was absolutely entrancing.  She was full of energy, and she really got the crowd going before Peter Bjorn and John got on stage.  I actually got a chance to tell her how great she did when she walked out in front of me at the end of the show.

As high as El Perro Del Mar set the bar, though, Peter Bjorn and John stepped over it like it was nothing but a toothpick.  If the live set in The Closet from this afternoon fooled you into thinking they would not pump you up, let me tell you first hand how wrong you are.  The set was so energy filled, Red-Bull is filing a law suit.  Having any range of 3 to 6 people on stage at any time, multiple instrument changes, and crowd involvement of the whistling and singing type, one could not help dancing to the music, even if it was as little as a head nod or a toe tap.  The only people that were not moving were those too awe-filled to do so.  “Needles and Pills” from their album Seaside Rock offered a climax to the show at the end before.  Just six dudes going crazy on their respective instruments- including a cowbell and trumpet.

I had really never given too much attention to Peter Bjorn and John before tonight.  After tonight, though, I am definitely going to start listening to them more.  Maybe someday I will be as devoted as Omar and Linda, the couple from Tuscon, AZ, that went to the show in Tuscon last night and the show here tonight.  Someday…

If you want to get some more info, try their myspace in the live show from this afternoon posted below.  If you get the chance, go see them.  Two thumbs up. Boom City.
PB&J is headed to the Great American Music Hall in San Francisco for shows on the 19th & 20th
before finishing their US Tour in LA at Club Nokia on the 21st.