Record numbers of anti-LGBTQ+ legislation passed

These unconstitutional and inhumane laws need to be stopped

Maria Simpson / Opinion Editor / The USD Vista

In 2021, the United States passed a record amount of anti-LGBTQ+ legislation and the government’s crusade against the LGBTQ+ community has only continued into 2022. These new laws are limiting the individual freedoms of LGBTQ+ Americans, erasing LGBTQ+ history, and preventing happiness in the lives of LGBTQ+ identifying people. The push for such atrocious legislation is unconstitutional at every turn and inhumane due to the basic rights that are being stripped away. Although it has been allowed in the U.S. so far, it is high time that anti-LGBTQ+ legislation become completely prohibited.  

Last year, 17 anti-LGBTQ+ bills were passed into laws throughout various states, with even more being created in state legislatures, awaiting governor approval. And while we, the public, only see the 17 horrendous bills that come to fruition, there were over 250 anti-LGBTQ+ bills that were originally introduced in 2021.

The effects of these proposed bills include the prevention of transgender youth from participating on sports teams of their gender identity, the right for someone to use religious belief as reason to refuse service to anyone they disapprove of (meaning the LGBTQ+ community) and the prevention of transgender youth accessing quality healthcare appropriate to their gender identity. These are only some of the kinds of bans and limits that state legislation is putting on LGBTQ+ citizens.

LGBTQ+ citizens have never had it easy in the U.S; same-sex marriage was legalized by the Supreme Court just seven years ago and protection against discrimination was extended to transgender people in 2020. And although these steps have been made they are coming far too late and far too few. For every victory there seems to be dozens of losses.

Among these losses are even more anti-LGBTQ+ bills that are suffocating human rights. In Tennessee, HB 800 recently passed. This bill prohibits any mention of LGBTQ+ people, history, or issues in educational materials. Florida passed a bill that is being referred to as the “Don’t Say Gay” bill which, once again, makes it illegal to teach about any LGBTQ+ topic in schools. Furthermore, this bill also prohibits students from talking about any LGBTQ+ identifying parents, siblings, friends, etc. that they may have in class. The final and hardest blow is the requirement that schools must out students to their families within six weeks of learning that they are LGBTQ+.

In Texas, matters are even worse. In February, Texas Governor, Greg Abbot, asked Family and Protective Services to investigate all transgender youths in the state. When they find a child who openly identifies as trans, their parents are prosecuted as child abusers. Abbot has also directed all teachers, doctors, and caregivers to report any trans youth that they come in contact with. This is referred to as “duty to report” and refusing to do so can result in the loss of one’s job.

Group of LGBTQ bill protesters
LGBTQ+ students and allies protest Florida’s “Don’t Say Gay” bill. Photo courtesy of @proudtwinkie/Instagram

All of these bills, and the many others that I haven’t mentioned, are incredibly harmful. Limiting education and erasing history continues to create ignorant and close-minded individuals. It is so important that LGBTQ+ history be taught in schools so that students have an understanding of more than one side of history and they can see the damage that has been done to the LGBTQ+ community in the past. Only then can we grow as a nation and move forward.

I cannot fathom the requirement for schools to out their students or for parents of transgender children to be called abusive. Outing a student to their family could result in physical harm to that student or complete rejection from their family, forcing that child into a dangerous and dire situation. LGBTQ+ individuals, especially transgender people, are already at a much higher risk of mental health problems and this only makes that issue worse. If a parent is supportive of their child and accepts them as they are, they should not be prosecuted for ensuring their child’s happiness.

Anti-LGBTQ+ legislation is inhumane and unconstitutional. The U.S. Constitution boasts that “all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

Silencing LGBTQ+ voices, shoving children away from playing a sport they love, denying proper healthcare, and tearing apart families does not allow for this centuries old promise to hold true for LGBTQ+ American citizens. This kind of legislation is disgusting and has no place in America’s legislation.