Registration Ridiculousness
Danielle DeVries || Asst. Feature Editor
There are a few things I dislike more than class registration. Every semester I delude myself into thinking that maybe, just once, it won’t be so bad, but of course, I am always wrong.
It’s not the actual process of registering that is difficult — after all, that part only takes about three minutes. Instead, it’s all the planning and stress that comes along with the three minute process.
When the course list for the following semester is posted it’s similar to online shopping. Your goal is to find the perfect pair of shoes on sale. When you actually register, you realize the perfect shoes you wanted so badly aren’t available in your size.
USD, in a sense, teases students with a variety of courses that sound great. They tease us with classes that would make for a perfect schedule and are taught by awesome professors. But then they throw in things like pre-requisites, hidden honors courses, or classes that are reserved only for the major. The result practically crushes your dreams, along with your perfect schedule going out the window.
I have learned not to plan my schedule until the day before I register in order to avoid getting too attached to my ideal schedule.
Normally, I can make my schedule work, but this year I’m going into my senior year and was only able to get one of the classes I needed. Apparently my strategy to save all the desirable classes for last backfired, as the rest of my class has done the same. Now my perfect schedule consists of four classes on Friday with only one of them actually fulfilling a requirement.
All I can do now is have faith that the process will work itself out and the waitlist gods will smile upon me, allowing me to get more of the classes I need. I advise all of you that are in the same boat to do the same.
For those lucky enough to have gotten your perfect schedule, hats off to you, and please send some of those good vibes my way. And for those seniors that have put the stress of registration behind you, congratulations, you’ve earned it.