A year of a pandemic

500,000 coronavirus-related deaths; 500,000 people have died in the United States alone. The New York Times reported, “the nation’s total virus toll is higher than in any other country in the world. It has far surpassed early predictions of loss by some federal experts. And it means that more Americans have died from COVID-19 than did on the battlefields of World War I, World War II and the Vietnam War combined.”

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Bad influence

With social media influencers growing in popularity and power, recognizing their flaws is more important than ever Hallie Wiltshire / Asst. Opinion Editor When the news first began reporting on COVID-19, no one could have predicted that almost a year later, the pandemic not only continues to persist but continues […]

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COVID Cases Spike at USD

After just three weeks on campus, USD recorded over 200 positive COVID-19 cases amongst students and has run out of space to house students who require isolation. We talk to Vice President Dr. Carmen Vazquez and Dean of Students Dr. Donald Godwin about the University’s response. We also get a student’s perspective on what it is like to live in school-mandated quarantine.

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USD must modify COVID-19 policies

College in the middle of a pandemic is a painful struggle — many students never imagined that there would be a momentous world event that defined their academic career. A transition to online learning was thought to be a quick fix to a temporary setback, but as the one-year mark of online learning quickly approaches, it has proven to be more of a permanent solution. USD has a very comprehensive plan to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 on campus that looks good on paper, but is not practical in reality. In practice, it pushes students to hang out off campus in non COVID-safe environments that the university cannot control.

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