Conservative Supreme Court takes on gun rights

The fear of an ideologically conservative Supreme Court has made its way to the forefront as the Court takes on a case backed by the NRA. The case being heard, NY State Rifle &. Pistol Assoc. v. Corlett, challenges a New York state law, which was upheld by the lower courts, that requires gun owners to obtain a license if they want to carry a gun outside their home. The New York law requires those wanting to obtain a license to carry a good reason to — aside from self-defense.

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USD decides to keep spring break, a departure from fast-paced fall 2020

Each year, students look forward to reuniting with their families or traveling to different destinations with friends during spring break. For some, planning a spring break getaway is a rite of passage. Despite the uncertainty that comes with giving students freedom for a week during the COVID-19 pandemic, USD has tried to maintain a sense of normalcy this year by choosing to keep spring break in place over the week of March 29.

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ASG flips decision on CRP

Senior Anthony Catanzaro is confused, offended, and ready for a fight. In a matter of weeks, he watched his and the entire campus’ digital access to both The Wall Street Journal and The New York Times evaporate after eight student-government officials decided the program wasn’t worth the money.

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Frohling flourishing

Most first-year athletes at NCAA Division I schools would be happy to even step foot on the court or the field. Some might get occasional minutes and others might even work their way into starting lineups. But very few have impacted the game so heavily in their first year as University of San Diego volleyball player Grace Frohling.

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