Green box, greener campus

University of San Diego students dining at the Student Life Pavilion (SLP) this spring have started to notice green reusable containers take the place of familiar paper to-go boxes.
Read moreUniversity of San Diego students dining at the Student Life Pavilion (SLP) this spring have started to notice green reusable containers take the place of familiar paper to-go boxes.
Read moreIt’s dinner time in the Alcalá Vistas Apartments at the University of San Diego, and wafting through the halls are the familiar smells of college cuisine — ramen noodles, jarred pasta sauce, and delivery pizza. This semester, however, the smell of freshly baked sourdough bread has joined this medley of scents thanks to two aspiring entrepreneurs, sophomores Juliette Owada and Grace Schmidt.
Read moreIt was the 1950s. The United States had the strongest military in the world, families were growing, and the economy was booming. Women were encouraged to stay within the confines of the home. Popular magazine articles like “Don’t Be Afraid to Marry Young,” “Cooking To Me Is Poetry,” and “Femininity Begins At Home” urged women to leave the workplace and focus on bearing children. During the same era, however, the recently-opened San Diego College for Women, which would later become the University of San Diego, offered women different opportunities.
Read morePerformances from cultures across the world filled the stage in the UCs on Friday night. The University of San Diego’s United Front Multicultural Commons (UFMC) hosted its annual Multicultural Night, a huge talent show where clubs and individuals across campus could showcase their most impressive cultural talents.
Read moreLast year, the University of San Diego Humanities Center debuted a project they had been developing for years — “There’s More,” a fusion of the traditional podcast format and live monthly storytelling shows created by and for the USD community.
Read moreFor over three decades, Filipino-American student organizations have gathered every year at California State University, Fullerton to celebrate and partake in Friendship Games.
Read moreThe secret behind USD’s renowned beauty lies with its Grounds Maintenance team Mayella Vasquez / Asst. Feature Editor / The USD Vista It is still dark out as Assistant Grounds Manager Ernie Salazar makes his way to the University of San Diego. As the sun is rising, he preps his […]
Read moreA rare art collection from the British Museum is currently on display in Founders Hall Catherine Silvey / Feature Editor / The USD Vista This fall, University of San Diego students passing through Founders Hall will encounter an art exhibition entitled “Christ: Life, Death, and Resurrection.” What many of these […]
Read moreUSD students march to combat climate change and to spread campus-wide awareness Rosalinda Puentes / Contributor / The USD Vista On April 30, students at the University of San Diego took part in the USD March for Climate in an effort to spread awareness for the environmental issue of climate […]
Read moreStudio room for architecture majors helps prepare them for their future careers Mayella Vasquez and Catherine Silvey / Contributor and Feature Editor / The USD Vista Behind Camino Hall exists a room hidden from campus and unknown to most students at the University of San Diego. It is known as […]
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