Taking your own path

Two paths diverging in the woods

Every college student will take their own unique path, yet every college student will spend their lives comparing themselves to others. Instead of wasting time worrying about others accomplishments, enjoy the time you have and everything will fall into place.

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How the pandemic has changed us for the better

At the start of March 2020, no one expected what the next year would bring. People held on to each other for the last time, they grieved, they cried, and they constantly told the people in their lives how much they loved them. People felt physically and emotionally distant from the ones they loved. For the first time, some truly didn’t know what was going to happen next. And in the moment, many couldn’t grasp the idea that any goodness or any light could come from one of the darkest years.

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USD decides to keep spring break, a departure from fast-paced fall 2020

Each year, students look forward to reuniting with their families or traveling to different destinations with friends during spring break. For some, planning a spring break getaway is a rite of passage. Despite the uncertainty that comes with giving students freedom for a week during the COVID-19 pandemic, USD has tried to maintain a sense of normalcy this year by choosing to keep spring break in place over the week of March 29.

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A year of a pandemic

500,000 coronavirus-related deaths; 500,000 people have died in the United States alone. The New York Times reported, “the nation’s total virus toll is higher than in any other country in the world. It has far surpassed early predictions of loss by some federal experts. And it means that more Americans have died from COVID-19 than did on the battlefields of World War I, World War II and the Vietnam War combined.”

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