Alumnus-funded Japan trip

On Mar. 3, two classes from the University of San Diego embarked for Japan as part of a fully-funded excursion by the Chapman Family Foundation. This 10 day program started on Friday and concluded the following Sunday morning. The two classes in attendance were Dr. Leeva Chung’s Intercultural Communication 475 and Dr. Andrew Tirrell’s Politics in the Environment 349. A total of 36 students traveled to numerous cities in Japan to learn through firsthand experiences about Japanese culture and what it means to be a global citizen.

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Safe spring break ideas

When it eventually rolls around in the semester, spring break feels like the greatest, most-needed gift from Earth. The cherished one-week break from tests, essays, and homework gives students the opportunity to reset and turn their attention to anything and everything but school. Nowadays, with online classes and Zoom fatigue, spring break feels more necessary than ever. However, these unprecedented times have made it a bit more difficult to plan a trip or a weekend getaway with friends.

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USD decides to keep spring break, a departure from fast-paced fall 2020

Each year, students look forward to reuniting with their families or traveling to different destinations with friends during spring break. For some, planning a spring break getaway is a rite of passage. Despite the uncertainty that comes with giving students freedom for a week during the COVID-19 pandemic, USD has tried to maintain a sense of normalcy this year by choosing to keep spring break in place over the week of March 29.

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