“There’s A Cheetah In My Tall Tee” hosted by Constable Cornelius
(Baby: I wanna touch it. Cat: I’s wonders hows squishy it is.)
Good children of the Shire, how I’ve missed you so. And. don’t worry, I know that feeling is mutual. This show is rad sauce to the tenth degree. This show is to all my ravers out there who took some heat the other week from some kookshow that wrote for The Vista. He dissed ravers and there love to dance their faces off, which I know doesn’t make sense. Bro needs to chiggidy check himself before he riggidy recks himself, just saying noobsquid you are walking on thin ice. To all those folks rocking No-Shave-November kudos to your awesometry. I hope this show adds a little bit of fun to your week or day. Lemme know if I’m lame or of other stuff you wanna hear. Facebook: Constable Cornelius Thunderdome. Email: cornelius@usdradio.org
“There’s A Cheetah In My Tall Tee”
Songs on this show (in order of appearance):
- Just Like Music- Marvin Gaye
- Baby Britain- Elliot Smith
- Fireworks- Animal Collective
- Sister Morphine- The Rolling Stones
- Thieves in the Night- Black Star
- Los Angeles, I’m Yours- The Decemberists
- Just A Phase- Incubus
- A Pain That I’m Used To- Depeche Mode
- Let The Drummer Kick- Citizen Cope
- Reckless-Crystal Castles
- Sleepy Head (Wallpaper Dio Remix)- Passion Pit
Loving To A Point Of Creepiness,
The Constable