‘There’s More’ live podcast
USD hosts monthly podcast episodes with community storytellers
Every month, the University of San Diego’s campus storytelling initiative “There’s More” hosts a live podcast featuring members of the USD community sharing stories that “[explore] the human condition through the practice of changemaking,” according to the initiative’s website. The initiative is a collaboration between the College of Arts & Sciences, the Humanities Center and the Changemaking Hub. Students enrolled in “COMM 333: Podcast Storytelling” produce the podcast’s content. Dr. Diane Keeling, professor of Communication, teaches the course and is also the podcast’s faculty producer.
Anyone part of the USD community can participate as a storyteller on the podcast: students, faculty and staff members. Each month, the podcast has a theme that intends to create meaningful dialogue, and the storyteller can interpret the theme however they feel. Typically, each episode features three storytellers, while a student producer hosts. Following the storytelling, there is an open Q&A forum to encourage more conversation.
The live podcast takes place in the Humanities Center located in Saints Tekakwitha and Serra Hall, room 200. The team uploads recordings of each podcast to the “There’s More” website under their discography of live podcast recordings. The recordings are also on the Apple Podcasts app as well as Spotify.
Dr. Keeling summarized the intentions of the podcast, emphasizing its priority on building unity through hope and humility.
“It’s all about community — to know each other more than just as cogs in the machine,” Dr. Keeling said. “We are human and we are all fallible. At the heart of every good story is a mistake, a challenge or a conflict; we don’t always handle life perfectly. While the podcast is therapeutic, I hope there can always be a healing experience to listen and relieve the stress we have in our own lives, to put it in perspective, and to recognize what we are going through. We are not alone.”

Dr. Keeling and a group of USD students founded the “There’s More” live podcast in 2017. Dr. Keeling had no intention of starting a live podcast until members of the university approached her.
“I was approached by the Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, the director of the Humanities Center and the Director of the Changemaker Hub,” Dr. Keeling said. “They wanted a center on campus or a program on campus around storytelling, and they each wanted to sponsor some sort of initiative. Because of my experience in communication, but particularly rhetoric — which is fundamentally about stories, and reasoning at its base — they knew I had a background in storytelling and narrative and asked if I would be willing to help conceive something. They also said they had a big donation of podcasting equipment they didn’t know what to do with.”
Dr. Keeling had no previous experience in podcasting. Her only experience was working in radio when she was in college. She described creating the podcast as being much harder than she had expected. But with each podcast, she learned more and more. The podcast ran before the start of the pandemic, took a year-long break, then continued online during 2021 before going back to live events this year.
Campus organizations can sponsor podcast episodes too.
“Student organizations, honors societies or departments can sponsor the podcast events,” Dr. Keeling said. “If they want to host or sponsor a storytelling event, everyone from that program is invited and there is sort of a built-in audience. It is wonderful creating a sense of community within the group.”
For some months, instead of doing live podcast events, “There’s More” hosts storytelling workshops. At these workshops, attendees learn about the storytelling process and how to write their own stories.
The last live podcast event took place on Oct. 12, and the theme was “Big Move.” The podcast featured three speakers: the first being USD alum Jesus Martinez Saucedo. He is a bilingual educator, poet, translator and interpreter currently working as the Center for Educational Excellence’s (CEE) administrative assistant. Saucedo’s “big move” was moving jobs from being a first-grade immersion teacher to his current job at USD. Saucedo found the experience triggering, as it reminded him of his first big move when his entire family emigrated to the United States, leaving him to finish his schooling alone in Mexico. During his talk, Saucedo discussed the emotional goodbye with his former students.

“Frantically, I began to cry,” Saucedo said. “Memories were swirling around my mind: my students’ faces, their hard work, their joy, how I was quickly and silently removed and the stolen goodbyes.”
Jesus further discussed his experience in this career move, and ended by highlighting his journey of self love.
The second storyteller was Timothy Wyman McCarty, a Political Theory professor at USD. McCarty’s “big move” was moving his child from a neighborhood school to a charter school. Through this experience, he strengthened his belief in a teacher’s ability to positively impact kids.
The final storyteller was Evelyn Díaz Cruz, a professor of Theater and affiliate faculty member of Ethnic Studies at USD. Cruz’s story was about getting into a fight with a bully while growing up in the Bronx, New York. She discussed her experience in facing her fears head-on.
All the storytellers had a unique perspective on the “big move” theme. However, each shared touching stories that resonated with the audience.
The team behind “There’s More” hopes to make a positive impact on the USD community through storytelling. The stories shared can help people find solidarity and community with others who have gone through similar experiences. All students and faculty involved in the podcast are devoted to creating an open, welcoming environment for anyone interested in sharing or hearing members of the community share. The next “There’s More” event is on Nov. 9, and all campus members are welcome.
Kudos to Jesus, Timothy, and the There’s More podcast. Great night of storytelling. More please 😉
Thanks Evelyn. Great stories indeed – you are an inspiration!