Let’s Talk about the Elephant in the Womb
As a woman, I believe that we have the right to do as we choose with our own bodies, therefore, I am strongly pro-choice.
Read moreAs a woman, I believe that we have the right to do as we choose with our own bodies, therefore, I am strongly pro-choice.
Read moreWithin the past few years, more and more attention is drawn to the inherent bias against minorities and unprivileged people in the United States and around the world. These are topics of great discussion and, as a result, a number of movements and trends have risen around these issues. One of the most powerful phenomena to emerge is known as cancel culture.
Read moreThe acceptance of different body types has been a hot topic for the past few years – especially when it comes to women’s bodies.
Read moreIt is so important that ALL California voters participate in this election and vote NO. With the September 14 deadline approaching, many Californians are asking themselves what is at stake with this recall election.
Read moreThe first day back to school is always an exhilarating experience, but this year it marked a momentous occasion for the students at USD. This semester is the first time that classes are fully commencing in-person since March of 2020, well over a year.
Read moreIt is important to feel safe at the college you are attending. During the two years I have attended USD, there were quite a few instances where students have come out and said that they have not felt safe within our community. For good reason, organizations such as the year-old Gender Equity and Sex Positivity Club, commonly known as GESP, challenged USD in hopes to promote change and safety for all students on campus.
Read moreIt’s easy to tell someone why they should not be anxious about something, but not many people talk about why it’s ultimately okay to not feel okay, to feel anxious about specific things.
Read moreAfter wearing a mask for a year and a half now, I am ready to take it off for good. I believed USD when they announced that there would be a normal return to campus in the fall, but this turned out not to be the case.
Read moreTypically the Editor-in-Chief of The USD Vista writes a letter from the editor at the end of the academic year. Our Editor-in-Chief, Celina Tebor, is unable to do that at this time. She currently still is, and always will be, our trusted Editor-in-Chief. I would like to note that she is the bravest and strongest leader I have had the pleasure to work with.
Read moreThe metaphor of “coming out of the closet” derives itself from the idiom “skeleton in the closet.” A “skeleton” refers to a negative secret that one wants to hide from others. Due to the stigmatization that came — and still comes — with not being straight or cis-gendered, one’s LGBTQ+ identity would be seen as a “skeleton.” And since people are generally assumed to be heterosexual and cisgender, someone would have to explicitly disclose otherwise to the people around them. To many LGBTQ+ members, coming out is a way of celebrating their sexuality or gender identity and reclaiming what was formerly a negative identity marker into a more positive one.
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