Dogs vs. cats

Serge Seplovich / Opinion Editor / The USD Vista

A road trip is an ideal situation to sit back and think about vital issues in one’s life. This past weekend, I chose to spend most of the drive sitting in the car thinking about one of life’s most important questions: cats or dogs? But more important than the simple one word response, I thought about the reasons why.

Since I was a tiny tot, I have always favored dogs over cats. I never really had any particular reason, but dogs always seemed better to me. It’s not that I disliked cats. I love animals just as much as the next person. But for some reason, I have never wanted to own a cat. So why do I prefer dogs over cats? I used the road trip to delve deep into the depths of my noggin to extract this answer.

I found that interactivity was my main reason. Dogs show more personality and spunk than cats. I’m not arguing that cats don’t have a personality; I know they do. But for the most part their personality screams, “Leave me alone!” There are those rare instances where you get cats who act like dogs. They are always my favorite kinds of cats. But in that case, I’d rather just have an actual dog. Unlike cats, dogs love human company. They will sit and watch TV with you while you are lounging on the couch during a lazy Sunday afternoon. Dogs are content with keeping you company, a characteristic that most, if not all, cats lack.

Along with keeping you company, dogs are also a good source for entertainment. Aside from the classic game of fetch, dog owners have a slew of options to keep their dog, and themselves, physically active. Going on runs with your canine companion is a great way to keep your dog and yourself in tip top shape. The best part is, your sidekick will motivate you to keep running.

Since I live at the beach, taking my dog out to bodysurf in the ocean is a must. Most canines are adept swimmers who love to frolic in the water. There’s nothing like catching a wave onto the shore with your dog right by your side. Have you ever had the pleasure of bodysurfing with your cat? I’d be willing to bet that you haven’t.

My biggest problem with cats is that they don’t do much. Sure you can watch one play with a ball of yarn, but if you’re just going to watch your pet, why not get a goldfish? So what if cats are smarter? As the saying goes, “ignorance is bliss.”