Finding self-care during midterms

How to relieve Zoom fatigue and take a step back

Anna Valaik / Asst. A&C Editor / The USD Vista

The mid-semester slump — a time where school just feels like too much — hits almost everyone during midterms, especially since school exists exclusively over the computer now. Classes feel longer, papers keep piling up, and agendas are filled to the brim with dates and deadlines. When times like this come up, it’s important to remember to take care of yourself and refocus your priorities. Here are fifteen different ways to relieve stress and find happiness in the little things.

1. Take a walk around the block! Get outside and enjoy the fresh air.

An afternoon walk in La Jolla. Photo courtesy of Anna Valaik.

2. Meditate. 

Try this guided meditation. 

3. Get dressed for the day, whether you are seeing anyone or not.

4. Sweat it out.

Try yoga, a run around the neighborhood, or even a ski down the slopes! Potato Chip Rock is a 45-minute drive from Mission Beach, and it’s a gorgeous hike. Take the 7-mile trek up the mountain to see this famous rock.

Hiking Potato Chip Rock. Photo courtesy of Anna Valaik.

5. Do something before bed that doesn’t involve technology. Read, breathe, or talk to a roommate or family member.

6. Go cloud watching.

Cotton candy skies. Photo courtesy of Anna Valaik.

7. Set aside time to watch your favorite show or read your favorite book.

A book a day keeps the doctor away. Photo courtesy of Anna Valaik.

8. Do a 15-minute stretch.

Focus on your hands, neck, and shoulder to relieve tension from hours spent at the computer. Try this stretching routine.

9. Listen to good music and have a dance party.

10. Go for a drive.

Morning drives with friends. Photo courtesy of Anna Valaik.

11. Light a candle.

These candles are the best if home is on your mind. 

12. Have a spa day.

Take a long shower, a bath, or put on a relaxing face mask.

13. Check in with those around you.

Ask others how they are doing.

Here are 10 ways to check-in with someone.

14. Plan a phone call with someone you miss.

15. Clean your space.