Looking for a (book) spring fling?

Five books to satisfy your romance needs


Love is in the air this season. As the flowers bloom, so does new romance – whether that be found on-campus or on a page of a book. If there is no interest in searching for a special someone, then a book is a better (and painless) alternative. 

So, take a break from assigned reading and dive into these must-reads. Here are five books to have a spring fling with. 

“People We Meet On Vacation” by Emily Henry 

If you are in the mood for a lighthearted and fun read, “People We Meet On Vacation” should be your first pick. Poppy and Alex are as different as people can be and yet became best friends after a fateful car ride home from college years ago. 

After graduating and going off to live different lives in different parts of the country, the pair reunited every summer for over ten years for a weeklong vacation until they didn’t.

It has been two years since they have spoken but Poppy is determined to win Alex back. When he agrees to a road trip, Poppy knows she only has a week to make everything right and restore their friendship…or ignite something more.

Available on Amazon for $9.98

"The invisible life of Addie LaRue" book be V.E. Schwab

“The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue” by V.E. Schwab

From best selling author V.E. Schwab comes this timeless and unique story about a young woman who makes a deal with the devil to live forever and is cursed to be forgotten by everyone she meets. 

Over the course of 300 years, Adeline visits countless centuries and continents, across history and art, trying to make peace with being unable to leave a mark on the world. 

That is until she stumbles upon a young man in a hidden bookstore, and he remembers her name and everything changes. 

Available on Amazon from $16.19

"Reckless Girls" book be Rachel Hawkins

“Reckless Girls” by Rachel Hawkins

One island, six visitors, and countless secrets. This mystery thriller is set on an isolated Pacific island where six, twenty somethings think they are about to have a blissful adventure; but rather, are in store for something much darker. 

When one person goes missing and another turns up dead, the remaining friends start to discover the dark undercurrents of this paradise. Described as spine-tingling with sexy suspense, this gothic island mystery will leave you holding your breath until the last page. 

Available on Amazon for $19.10.

“The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo” by Taylor Jenkins Reid

Although published in 2017, this historical romance recently blew up for its gripping plotline and Old Hollywood glamor. 

Reclusive Hollywood starlet Evelyn Hugo is finally ready to tell the truth about her glamorous yet scandalous life and chooses reporter Monique Grant to tell her story.

Monique sees this as an opportunity to jumpstart her career and listens to Evelyn’s tales of the loves she lost, long-held secrets the public could never imagine, and the risks she took to rise to the top. 

Available on Amazon for $9.42

"Verity" book by Colleen Hoover

“Verity” by Colleen Hoover

Any book list would be incomplete without the queen of romance, Colleen Hoover. Beyond her popular reads “It Ends With Us” and “Ugly Love,” is “Verity,” which stands out as a romantic thriller following main character Lowen Ashleigh. As Lowen takes the incredible opportunity to finish bestselling author Verity Crawford’s book series, she begins to undig horrifying secrets about Verity herself. 

Now Lowen must decide whether or not to keep those secrets to herself or reveal them to everyone. 

Available on Amazon for $11.26

There’s nothing sweeter than a spring romance, whether that is with a special someone or a good read. These books have you covered for a no-strings-attached season of spring flings. 

Just pick up any of these books to invest your emotions in a storyline – not a person.