Masks required for students and staff in all indoor facilities
Face coverings will be required for the start of the Fall 2021 semester, regardless of vaccination status
Karisa Kampbell / News Editor / The USD Vista

As USD students eagerly awaited their return to campus for a “somewhat normal” school year, an email was sent out by Dr. Donald Godwin, Dean of Students, announcing that USD would be implementing a mask mandate inside all buildings starting August 2. The announcement outlined the expectations that all students must follow while on campus and inside any university buildings.
“Many of you may be following developments related to the COVID-19 Delta variant, where rates of infection are increasing, particularly among unvaccinated individuals,” Godwin wrote. “For this reason, the CDC and San Diego County recently updated their guidance, recommending that everyone should wear face coverings indoors, regardless of vaccination status. While this is not required in our County at this point, the university will return to requiring face coverings indoors for everyone beginning Monday, August 2, until further notice.”
While USD’s decision may appear controversial, many students are in support of this policy, as they feel that it will help keep the campus community safe.
Rising sophomore, Michelle Brown, shared her thoughts on the implementation of the requirement to wear face coverings indoors.
“I don’t mind the mask mandate at all. I would rather be safe than get sent home again,” Brown said. “I am really glad they are requiring vaccinations, and I probably feel more comfortable with the mask mandate than without it.”
Behind her optimism, however, Brown shared her fears around how this may be a step towards the university placing more COVID protocols.
“I am concerned because of the way the school quickly changed decisions last year, and things became more restricted despite the fact that they were promising one thing,” Brown shared. “They also haven’t been really clear about the specifications on what we are going to be able to do, like how strict they are going to be on other policies that were in place last year.”
While these fears are warranted, Godwin sheds some light on the current situation here at USD.
“Our hope is to lift the mask mandate when, and if there is a recommendation by the CDC, State, or County guidance. The current guidance is to wear face masks indoors. I don’t think that requiring community members to wear masks indoors is any indication of whether or not the university will return to remote learning,” Godwin said. “We do think our mitigation efforts will help keep our community safe and healthy, and on campus for in-person learning. I don’t think it’s productive to worry about things beyond our control, so I would encourage students to remain optimistic that what occured in March 2020 will not happen again.”

Additionally, the requirement for face coverings inside buildings is not as extensive or restrictive as it was for the Spring 2021 Semester. According to an email sent out by the COVID-19 Action team on August 20, masks do not need to be worn inside while alone in an office or classroom. The door of the room must be closed, however, this new amendment to the mask policy will allow for those studying individually in closed rooms to be able to do so mask free.
After a year and a half of online classes and unprecedented times, naturally students want to return to a completely normal school year. For now, however, that is not the case. Face masks indoors are a reality that all students, regardless of vaccination status, will have to accept in order to be on campus and be in the classroom once again.