Ghostbusters be gone!

7 people sitting on the steps of a house made of brick. house has a balcony spreading the width with white columns holding it up over the patio below.

Halloween is just days away, and people are prepping with costumes, decorations and movies featuring all kinds of spooky creatures like witches, monsters, vampires and, of course, ghosts. Ghosts are largely associated with Halloween, but unlike many of the other supernatural creatures mentioned, they also stand on their own as a prominent aspect of cultural curiosity. Movies, books and shows — many of which claim to be based on true stories — share tales of hauntings by ghostly beings. And so, the question remains: are ghosts real?

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Finding self-care during midterms

The mid-semester slump — a time where school just feels like too much — hits almost everyone during midterms, especially since school exists exclusively over the computer now. Classes feel longer, papers keep piling up, and agendas are filled to the brim with dates and deadlines. When times like this come up, it’s important to remember to take care of yourself and refocus your priorities. Here are fifteen different ways to relieve stress and find happiness in the little things.

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