The Commas Interview
Ivana Gilger / Program Director / USD Radio

Left to Right: Jordyn, Lenny, Cam
Jordyn Comma is a third year student at The University of San Diego. Born and raised in San Diego, California he and his two brothers — Lenny and Cam — form the very talented music group, We The Commas. All three brothers sing, while Lenny and Cam play the guitar and Jordyn plays the drums.
Question: How did We The Commas come to be and when did you guys realize this is what you wanted to do with your life?
Lenny: The band came together super naturally, starting about ten years ago. It first began when our guitar teacher became our music coach. At the time, I was 13, Jordyn was 9, and Cam was 7. Our guitar teacher was our inspiration. He taught us that we do not need to read music in order to create it. He was the key stepping stone in becoming who we are today.
Question: What does SARB, the first name of your EP mean?
Jordyn: SARB is an acronym for surf and alternative rhythm and blue. It’s how we describe our style of music.
Question: Your song “Custom Made” has a very soulful sound, “I Will” reminds me of some Hawaiin reggae bands/artists I listen to, “Sherry” rhythm and blues, and “Pissed Off” some rock and country. Who are some of your inspirations?
Cam: Some of our inspirations are Young the Giant, Stevie Wonder, Pearl Jam, Green Day, Frank Ocean, Daniel Caesar, and Erykah Baddhu.
Question: Your newest release, “RZN” has a very different sound compared to some of the other songs. It dives into deeper issues that the Black community faces everyday in our world. I really enjoyed the music video and the simplicity of it helps to truly focus on the words you guys are saying. Do you plan to release more music using your platform as a voice for the Black Community, maybe dropping another powerful song during Black History Month?
Cam: This song felt extremely right at the time of the release. We make music based on our feelings. We are for sure going to make more music like “RZN” , but we are not sure when. We are just letting life happen.
Question: Do you have any future collaborations in store? Maybe with other USD artists?
Lenny: We currently do not have any future collaboration planned. However, if Keni Can Fly or Matteo Woods, two USD students, are reading this, We The Commas would love to collaborate with you both.
Question: All of your music videos have about a million views or so. What was that feeling like when you saw that?
Jordyn: It was an extremely dope feeling. We were shooting for 15,000 views, and far surpassed that. We also became verified on Instagram in December of 2020 which is a step in the right direction.
Question: Who are your dream collaborations?
Jodyn: Jordyn’s dream collaboration is Justin Bieber. I have been a huge fan of him since the very beginning.
Cam: I would love to collaborate with Daniel Caesar.
Lenny: The Dave Matthews Band.
Question: What would be something you would like to leave with the readers?
Lenny: “We The Commas, we’re here, hopefully we can get to know you and you can get to know us, hop on the train before it is moving fast. 2021 this is our year, support us!”