Zoom Etiquette

The dos and don’ts of online courses

Amy Inkrott / Managing Editor / The USD Vista

The novel coronavirus has changed many aspects of our lives, including our education. Obviously we were all perfect angels in the classroom, but our manners have started to slip with these online classes. The USD Vista has assembled a list of Zoom dos and don’ts to help you keep your education etiquette during this turbulent time. 

DO: Mute your microphone when eating. No one wants to hear you crunching away during their 8 a.m. psychology lecture.

DO: Show your pets to the class. They are therapeutic to those of us who are missing the campus raccoons.

DO: Turn off your blue hand after you’ve asked your question. It’s more confusing for all of us when you don’t. 

DO: Sit up in your bed. This is class time, not nap time.

DON’T: Have a distracting virtual background. It’s hard enough to focus as it is.

DON’T: Pour yourself a drink in the middle of class. Your beverages will still be there when you’re done for the day.

DON’T: Cook an entire meal while your professor is talking. You aren’t in culinary school, Chef Boyardee. 

DON’T: Walk around your house with the camera on. We still have motion sickness from last time. 

DON’T: Use your screen to apply your makeup. It’s a camera, not a mirror. 

And most importantly,

DON’T: Talk smack in the Zoom private chat. Yes, your professors can still see it.